Share Draft (Checking)

Share Draft (Checking) Accounts

Checking with us is easier than ever! We offer all the conveniences of managing a checking account at home or on the go, online or in line. Manage your accounts at your convenience with a debit card, Homelink Teller, EZ Pay, e-Statements, and a nationwide ATM Network!

Business Checking

We offer Business Checking accounts! Manage your small business separately from your personal accounts with all the same conveniences: free checking, debit card, and online banking with Homelink Teller, e-Statements, and EZ Pay! Don’t forget, we’re also part of the North Coast Business Lending, LLC, to help your small business grow.

Debit Cards

Your ECFCU SHAZAMChek Debit Card allows you to pay securely and conveniently without carrying a checkbook or too much cash – the money comes straight out of your ECFCU checking account. For extra security, all ECFCU debit cards are now issued with security “chips” embedded on the card front.

Download the SHAZAM BOLT$ app to add fraud protection and flexibility to your ECFCU Debit Card. Use it to report a card lost or stolen before you even contact us!

Mastercard SecureCode

Our debit card offers Mastercard SecureCode, a private code for your SHAZAMChek Debit Card that gives you an additional layer of online shopping security. Only you know your code – merchants aren’t able to see it. Enrollment is easy! Just visit the Mastercard website or stop in to see us.


Homelink Teller

ECFCU’s Homelink Teller online banking service is available to our members free of charge. Enjoy all the advantages: review account balances, review transaction history, see which checks have cleared, transfer funds between accounts, make loan payments instantly, manage your account information, change your User ID, password, e-mail, and more! To enroll, please call us or stop in.

EZ Pay

EZ Pay is our online bill pay service that makes paying bills much faster, easier, and greener – no stamps, no checks, no hassle.


Go green with e-Statements. Save time, space, and trees with FREE e-Statements available online for one year. No filing necessary! It’s all your info and checking history online with easy access. You can always print statements as desired or ask for a statement to be mailed.

ATM Network

Your ECFCU Mastercard Debit Card is not only an ATM card, it’s part of the Alliance One ( network with more than 5,000 surcharge-free ATMs at more than 80 financial institutions nationwide! Use the ATM Locator on the network’s homepage to find an Alliance One ATM near you or view its nationwide coverage map.

Lost or Stolen Debit Card Contact Numbers

To report your ECFCU debit card lost or stolen after normal business hours, please call 1 (800) 383-8000 as soon as you discover it missing.


Overdraft Transfer

In case your checking account is overdrawn, we offer Overdraft Transfer – we’ll automatically transfer funds from your other ECFCU accounts to your checking account to cover the overdraft.

Courtesy Pay

Courtesy Pay adds a measure of protection to your checking account (and credit rating) in which the credit union covers insufficient funds, checks, or in-person withdrawals, up to $500, for a small fee. This service saves you additional charges from the merchant collection companies AND the embarrassment an inadvertent overdraft can cause. You have 30 days to bring the account current, either through direct deposit, transfer of funds, or a deposit at one of our offices.